Unfinished Museum


Guido Catalano
living professional poet, Turin, 49 and a half years old
Cristina Bertolotti
Architect, Turin, 56 years old
Chiara Morandini
Engineer by training but architect by profession, 49 years old, Turin
Chiara Businelli
Psychologist, dancer, dance therapist (Maria Fux school), 43, Trieste
Anna Ghiotti
Three different professions, the dream of living by the sea with many paths to explore, has been traveling for some years. Turin, 56 years old
Laura Bianchi
Musician, Music Therapist. La Spezia, 61 years old.
Emanuela Di Pasqua
Emanuela Di Pasqua, journalist, teaches children (who teach her more and more things), loves to travel and loves people, loves to write and likes stories, she couldn't live without music. She is the proud mother of Maria. 51 years old Genoa (Italy).
Maria Luisa Flegar
Traveler, Citizen of the world, 48 years old, Ollantaytambo.
Andrea De Simeis
Stubborn forty-year-old engraver and paper maker, Lecce.
Bruno Rosetti
Traveler and rower for the Italian national team, 32 years old, Ravenna
Alessia Rollo
Photographer, nomadic artist, 38 years old
Bianca Maria Bordone
Aka Bi.Ma.Bo., book binder (Littera Antiqua), singer, artist and diarist, 40 years old, Turin
Caterina Avataneo
Contemporary art curator, London, 30 years old.
Cecilia Cappa
Artist who makes collages, she has been dancing and singing for years, but then she devoted herself completely to visual art, 31 years old, Turin.
Stefano Faravelli
Painter, philosopher, writer, orientalist, author of “carnet” and hunter of wonders, 61 years old, Turin.
Greta Blengino
Student, activist, creative, singer-songwriter. 20 years old, The Hague.
Simonetta Blengino
Doctor specialized in Cardiology and Anesthesia in Intensive Care, 59 years old, Milan
Giustina Testa
Actress, drama teacher and founder of Teatrobandus, Milan, 40 years old.
Piera Luisolo
Printing, graphics and editorial illustration. 47 years old, Turin
Gabriele Di Fronzo
Writer and editorial reader, 36 years old, Turin
Giacomo D’Antico
Restorer, tattoo artist, he studies Chinese calligraphy, defines himself as a "constant learner", 29 years old, Turin
Jana Sebestova
Portrait photographer, Bratislava-Turin, 48 years old
Iacopo Blengino
In search of happiness, 22 years old, S. Michele di Mondovì (CN)
Onelia Greco
Architect and teacher, creator of origami, Lecce, 47 years old
Pietro Spanghero
Musician and English teacher. Monfalcone, 43 years old.
Silvia Teodosi
Author of books and apps for children, copywriter and all-around creative, 47 years old, Bologna.
Valentina Fava
Fashion consultant, life coach, cheerful presenter and actress, Turin, 33 years old.
Student, horse lover, 11 years old, Turin.
Imaginative and creative student, Turin, 14 years old
Eva Perasso
Journalist, Bogliasco, 45 years old.
Raffaella Francesca Gueze
Environmental engineer, works in the Municipality of Bologna, she is responsible for the sustainability office and works on innovation projects. She grew up in Pescara, she lives in Bologna, 47 years old.
Claudia Mollese
Claudia Mollese, filmmaker, researcher, she studied international economics and anthropology, and approached cinema for her need to tell a story, she made a film and from there her profession in the cinema field began. She lives between Marseille and Frigole (in Salento), 37 years old.
Fabio Gon
Fabio Gon, anomalous engineer, futurologist, 50 years old, Trieste
Roberto Vogliolo
Creative engineer, innovation designer and cooperative entrepreneur. Turin, 53 years old.
Dario Voltolini
Erratic writer, 61 years old, Turin.
Alice Fiorilli
Photographer, 47 years old, Milan.
Federica Illuminati
As an agent, she represents artists in the world of cinema, theater and television, she does scouting and she love stories. Her work is that of protection and promotion. Rome, 47 years old
Francesca Lozar
Scientist, researcher in Micropaleontology, passionate about her work, Europe (she has lived in many places and prefers to call herself a European citizen), 57 years old
Ilaria Bellini
Press and public relations officer, content editor. She loves to tell stories, to be the means that allows the other to enter the soul of the story and live the experience and being part of it. 41 years old, Spoleto.
Ilaria Pilar Patassini
Singer, songwriter, perfomer, actress, author, radio speaker and also teacher of interpretation of the Italian and international songwriting at the highly trained Roman academy "Officina Pasolini". She lives between Rome and Alghero, 44 years old.
Rossella Piccinno
Filmmaker and multimedia artist, soul traveler and passionate for humanity, 42 years old, Lille
Simona Orlandi
Born in Milan, she grew up in Parma and moved to Rome at the age of 34 where she spent 18 years. She has been an expert in Marketing Intelligence and Insight Generation, for over twenty years, she has worked in several multinationals, where she has had the opportunity to deal with different product categories and to coordinate teams and projects at an international level. In 2013 she launched her own business initiative as a consultant in the field of Research Intelligence and Insight generation. 52 years old, Parma / Rome.
Chiara Capini
Mom, cultural organizer, graphic designer. She is in charge of the valorization of the Staglieno Cemetery, an open-air museum, for the Municipality of Genoa. Genova Nervi, 47 years old
Raffaella Ilari
Raffaella Ilari has been working in the cultural sector for about 25 years, mainly in the theatrical field, as Press Office, Communication and Project Management. Parma, 49 years old.
Azzurra Muzzonigro Azzurra Muzzonigro
Azzurra Muzzonigro is an architect and urban researcher, 37 years old, Milan.
Karin Marzocchini Felli
Experimental artist, performer. 43 years old. She currently lives between Empoli and the Island of Elba.
Veronica Caggia
Artist of life (because it takes creativity, courage and tenacity to live well!), if it is really necessary to define yourself. 40 years. Vittoria (RG)
Laura Cionci
Laura Cionci, “experiential” researcher. 40 years old, Montegemoli (PI).
Luigi Camarilla
Luigi Camarilla is a sculptor, painter and writer who sails the land with the spirit of the sea, 62 years old, Ortigia.