Unfinished Museum

Iacopo Blengino

In search of happiness, 22 years old, S. Michele di Mondovì (CN)

My name is Iacopo, I am 22 years old, I have a scientific high school diploma and I live in S. Michele di Mondovì where I work in the company that once belonged to my grandfather. We make chestnuts processing and milling. My greatest passions are: listening to music and walking in nature, particularly in the mountains, drawing and designing cards and board games, and playing together with my friends who fortunately share my passions for both cards and games (for example MAGIC), and for table and role-playing games (DUNGEONS&DRAGONS). I often realize that I am a bit lazy, which is the main reason why I own several unfinished works that I am too lazy to put in this museum.

Some of Works

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