Unfinished Museum

Luigi Camarilla

Luigi Camarilla is a sculptor, painter and writer who sails the land with the spirit of the sea, 62 years old, Ortigia.

Luigi Camarilla was born in Ortigia, Siracusa, in 1959.

He trained in Milan. He has worked as a set designer and has dedicated himself to different experiences that coincide with his eclectic vocation. An expressive restlessness that in 1996 matured in an all-encompassing artistic adventure. He retired for three years, isolated, hidden by the mythological sea of ​​Stromboli and from the lava woods of Etna.

There he began to work on the artistic project “Mediterranean Altars – Pilgrimage of love – from Passion to Consciousness” in which painting, sculpture and writing are intertwined. He uses the wood of the boats of fishermen and migrants, a favorite material for a work that oscillates between a feeling of origins and civil commitment. Over time, the search for him is increasingly characterized by an anthropological spirit. “Mediterranean: Spirituality, Myth, Present Time” is the title that collects his artistic production.

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