Unfinished Museum

Gabriele Di Fronzo

Writer and editorial reader, 36 years old, Turin

Gabriele Di Fronzo (Turin, 1984) published in 2016 the novel Il grande animale (nottetempo; Premio Volponi Opera Prima, finalist at Premio Procida Isola di Arturo Elsa Morante, finalist at Premio Opera Prima Fondazione Mondadori, Premio Book Ciak Azione) and in 2018 the narrative essay Cosa faremo di questo amore (Einaudi). He has collaborated with Rivista Studio and the Indice dei Libri del Mese. In 2018 he was a guest at the International Writing Program of the Lu Xun Academy of Literature in Beijing and, in 2019, at the Shanghai Writers’ Association. One of his stories appeared in the anthology Gli insaziabili (nottetempo, 2019; translated in China by People’s Literature Publishing House). He writes articles for the newspaper Domani.

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