Unfinished Museum



When is work done for you? When it has no other spaces to fill.   If I tell you “unfinished” what is the first thing that comes to your mind? There are many paintings by painters who have not finished their works, I don’t have a specific one in mind now. Unfinished: what colour/shape is […]

Alice Fiorilli

The fact that you don’t finish one thing makes you look for it in others. A single photo is complete, the photo is that of a single moment that if you lose it never comes back, a work on a theme is never finished, until inside you have solved that problem there, you are looking […]

Stefano Faravelli

Like the Strasbourg Cathedral where they left incomplete the bell tower…the most careful and spiritual exegesis tells us that it was done deliberately because the imperfection of creation is part of its perfection. The unfinished in the highest sense is a seed.   If I say “unfinished” what is the first thing that comes to […]

Maria Luisa Flegar

I have the feeling that I still have to express myself in some way, I am unfinished. I want to bloom before I wither. It can be said that I set out on a journey, partly because I needed to find out more about myself, to try to fulfil myself during this journey.    If […]

Giacomo D’Antico

Starting something always leads to something else, it’s like putting down roots, starting is always better than not starting even if you don’t finish.   If I say “unfinished” what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Something abandoned, I would say, not necessarily voluntarily. Something that had value for you, otherwise you […]


It also happens with drawings, that while I am colouring one it remains incomplete.    Is there something you have left undone in your life? I do things then I think “oh, no, I had to do this other thing too”, and so I leave everything halfway. That’s the way it is with homework, especially […]

Greta Blengino

If I tell you “unfinished”, what is the first thing that comes to mind? My songs, all of the songs I have started but never finished. What is the shape or color of Unfinished? Turquoise, I don’t know why. Or another neutral color. Is there something you have left incomplete in your life? Apart from […]

Dario Voltolini

All the things that I can consider complete have had a moment of incompleteness: a project starts, I start with an idea, I write something down and then it stagnates, it remains unfinished for a long time, then maybe I pick it up and bring it to a conclusion, sometimes rather quickly. Even from a […]

Simonetta Blengino

There is a future in the unfinished.   If I tell you Unfinished what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? I think of an unfinished outside my profession, which is part of a much larger project and which is the real unfinished of my life: the project of having a child, of having […]

(c) ilya-trigubenko

Valentina Fava

With the unfinished you never get bored, you are always there to search and create new things, it makes you discover different things that you may not have thought of.   If I say “unfinished” what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Something that I haven’t done but that I wanted to […]