Unfinished Museum

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When is work done for you? When it has no other spaces to fill.


If I tell you “unfinished” what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

There are many paintings by painters who have not finished their works, I don’t have a specific one in mind now.

Unfinished: what colour/shape is it?

Like a drawing with one part coloured and another part drawn in black and white pencil.

Is there something you have left undone in your life?

My book of people I have never met.

Something unfinished that you would like finished?

You know that there are global strikes for the future… therefore, I would say all the things that we should accomplish to safeguard the planet and that is really important to finish.

Long live incompleteness because…

The unfinished has its own value because you have to complete it with your mind, it’s nice to try to finish what another person hasn’t finished.

When is work done for you?

When it has no other spaces to fill.

What is fertilizer for you?

The sun, because it is so bright and I want to imagine what it sees from up there, I like to imagine other points of view.

3 words you would match with unfinished

Two come to mind: discoloured, value.

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