Unfinished Museum

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Silvia Teodosi

An unfinished is embers burning under the ashes. It’s hidden, but it’s always there in my mind to remind me that it can be invigorated.

We, human beings, are the most difficult work that can be considered completed.

Fortunately, there are deadlines that make them “delivered”, but not completed because every time I reread or review them they take on new words and shapes in my mind.


If I say “unfinished” what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

An unfinished is embers burning under the ashes. It’s hidden, but it’s always there in my mind to remind me that it can be invigorated.

Unfinished what color / shape is it?

Yellow color. Shape: that of my cardboard bags because it is in this project that I have the privilege of pouring out my expressive freedom free from the market logic. They are so unusual that they can only be unfinished.

Is there something you have left undone in your life?

Everything, even the most successful project, is unfinished for me, because I still consider it open to change.

Something unfinished that you would like finished?

Ideally myself, if it were ever possible, as a human presence on this earth and at the same time as an absence when it will be. We are the most difficult work that can be considered completed.

When is a work done for you?

Completeness is something unattainable. Everything is in flux and subject to random and unpredictable stimuli. I always have a critical look towards my works. Luckily there are deadlines that make them “delivered”, but not completed because every time I reread or review them they take on new words and shapes in my mind.

What are the emotions of the unfinished?

The unfinished fascinates me because it still has the opportunity to be something different from how I thought it. It is wonderful and frustrating at the same time.

Your favorite fertilizer?

All arts are fertilizers, but in the end it is always what I live on my skin that triggers alchemy, whether it is a journey or simply a bus ride. There is an incredible wealth of stimuli around us.

3 words you would match with unfinished

Free, fascinating, suspended.

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