Unfinished Museum

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Jana Sebestova

The great unfinished of my life are the books. I can’t finish them and often I can’t even start them. I like having so many books full of wise words and I imagine myself absorbing all the wisdom they contain. I struggle to finish them because I already want to know what the next one is about.

If I tell you Unfinished what’s the first thing that comes to your mind?

Dissatisfaction, something that holds me back, I tend to do less things, but I try to conclude them at all costs.

Is there something you have left unfinished in your life?

My career, I haven’t done everything I could and I costantly think that there is still a chance to do it. The great unfinished of my life are the books. I can’t finish them and often I can’t even start them. I like having so many books full of wise words and I imagine myself absorbing all the wisdom they contain. I struggle to finish them because I already want to know what the next one is about.

What is your relationship with unfinished things?

They irritate me, I get nervous when I don’t finish, sometimes I find a shortcut to finish them anyway in another way that is still satisfying. I start from more complicated views, then maybe I simplify them because I want to see the end, I need to tell myself that I’m done and so then I won’t go back.

What is a fertilizer for you? What does it mean to fertilize

Studying, seeing and hearing things I haven’t seen yet, amaze me. I am always there reading something (see above my relationship with books ☺).

Then, those moments when you hear someone expressing a point of view that would never have occurred to you, new concepts, that’s when this happens, I feel happy and fertilized.

And finally, my dear children, who are laughing in the photo in front of me, are wonderful fertilizers.

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