Unfinished Museum

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Anna Ghiotti

The beauty I find in nature, in a one-hundred-year-old tree and a starry sky, in the work of men, in a book or film that opens my mind, in people with a pure soul, fertilize me.

I felt frustration in interrupting projects but sometimes also relief in freeing up space for something else.

If I tell you Unfinished what’s the first thing that comes to your mind?

The major works that have been left undone: from the Sagrada Familia to the Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway.

Unfinished what colour/shape is it?

The unfinished is a dark grey, that grey-blue of stormy skies or seas. A dark tunnel with a light at the end of it.

Is there something you have left undone in your life?

In the professional sphere, some projects that have engaged me for months or years with groups of colleagues and friends. Over time, the strong initial motivation and confidence in the success of the project and the strength of the group have failed.

Then there are several things that I interrupted, for example, the study of the violin or Karate after achieving the yellow belt, the riding lessons, Tai Chi and yoga, a pottery course done for a few years and then stopped at the birth of Iacopo. But I don’t think of them as unfinished, rather as glimpses of things and experiences. I didn’t have a precise objective in mind, something to achieve.

My search for meaning in life that constantly pushes me to move towards something else is certainly an unfinished one that I carry with me since adolescence and I fear it will not be fulfilled.

What is your relationship with unfinished things?

I usually complete what I undertake, keep my promises and commitments. I have always felt sorry for the waste, the uselessness of something started and not finished, of the hours of work “wasted”. I felt frustration in interrupting projects but sometimes also relief in freeing up space for something else. Instead, I feel anger for some unfinished things in the world, in terms of human rights, gender equality, and the environment.

W the unfinished why?

Because it sets us in motion, it does not let us sleep, it stimulates us. Because from the ashes of the unfinished, UMus was born.

When is work finished for you?

When it became what I imagined it should be, it got where I wanted it to arrive when it comes out into the world, it reaches its audience, the recipient, the people who can value and appreciate it. If I think of Memoràmia’s books, it is not the time when we go to print, but when the book is delivered or given away and the customer sends us a message to share his joy and thank us.

Where do you keep your unfinished works?

Notebooks, files in dedicated folders, scattered sheets and notes. I can’t throw this past away. I recently found the sheets relating to a forgotten project of 25 years ago and I enjoyed rereading it in its genuine naivety.

What is fertilizer for you? What does it mean to fertilize?

Fertilizer is the gasoline that gives me energy and liveliness, that awakens passion. Without fertilizers, I would be in a survival mode. Discovering, exploring, my new ideas and the new ideas of others, the genius, the creativity of man, these are my fertilizers. Being on a journey fertilizes me, walking alone on paths, free exploring, silence, dialogue. The beauty I find in nature, in a one-hundred-year-old tree and a starry sky, in the work of men, in a book or film that opens my mind, in people with a pure soul, fertilize me.

3 words you would match with unfinished

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