Unfinished Museum

Prendi posto

Fabio Gon, 2009, Cormòns, Gorizia
  • Fabio Gon
  • 2009
  • Projects - Unfinished forever
  • Human materiales and dreams
  • 001/2020
  • 3 days of listening people from the area, 120 people listened to and interviewed, 72 citizens registered in the Forum, 7 hours of Forum, 3 meetings of the Citizens' Forum, 657 Post-It notes used during the Forums, 10 Working Tables, 37 participants at the work tables, 25 hours of work at the tables, 23 articles dedicated to "Prendi posto!" in newspapers, 3 television reports, 1 radio report, 3500 bookmarks printed and distributed.
  • Fabio Gon, Studio Tandem

The former Giovanni Amadio barracks was abandoned by the state and sold to the municipality of Cormòns. It occupies approximately 62,000 square meters in the heart of the city. The space is particularly significant for Cormòns and can be seen as a strategic area for local development: the surface occupied by the former military complex, in fact, is located near the historic center, in a densely populated and easy accessibility area. The redevelopment could have had a significant impact on Cormòns and its citizens in terms of urban quality and life, the offer of services, new spaces and structures, and social relations.

The project was born from the idea of the Mayor of the time to redevelop the area of ​​the former barracks that occupied 6 hectares of a town of 10, with the idea of ​​involving the citizens. The principles of redevelopment are based on some essential questions: “What attentions, which principles, should be placed at the basis of the redevelopment of the former barracks? With what criteria should we intervene and which are the objectives? What is the relationship between the redevelopment of the former barracks and the future of the city of Cormòns? “

The Cormòns Citizens’ Forum met to discuss the future of the former Amadio barracks area. The starting point for the reflections regarding the redevelopment was the identification of the principles that should be the basis of the intervention.

In summary, these are:

  1. Participation, sharing, transparency are the basis of the intervention
  2. The area will have to respond to the needs of citizens noe and for future generations
  3. The intervention must be feasible and economically sustainable
  4. It is an eco-sustainable intervention
  5. It will promote and improve the quality of life in Cormòns and the liveability of Cormòns
  6. It will encourage meetings, exchanges and relationships
  7. The area will belong to the citizens and will be usable in everyday life
  8. The intervention protects, enhances and promotes the environment
  9. It will be a qualified and qualifying intervention
  10. The intervention must be designed thinking about the Cormòns of tomorrow
  11. It will be in everyone’s interest (solidarity)
  12. Different spaces with different functions must be provided
  13. The attractiveness of Cormòns will increase and will be an opportunity for relaunch
  14. Resolve the local criticalities of the area where the barracks are located
  15. It will respect and strengthen the identity of Cormòns
  16. It will create continuity with the historic center.

The public tender was won by Fabio Gon, but then it was interrupted both due to the constraints of the Soprintendenza which changed the costs and due to the change in the municipal administration. The dream has frayed … but the seed has been planted during public discussions with citizens and the hope is that something from this interrupted process will one day sprout.

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