Unfinished Museum

The dollhouse

Cecilia Cappa, 1998, Turin
  • Cecilia Cappa
  • 1998
  • Objects - Unfinished for now
  • wood, textile, glass, plastic, paper
  • 007/2020
  • three floors, with a terrace.
  • Cecilia Cappa

The dollhouse is a project that started quite spontaneously when I was 9 years old. It was a game, a pastime: I built a dollhouse with recycled materials, boxes, cork, and so on. From shoe boxes I moved on to boxes made in metal and then slowly I continued to enrich the individual rooms more and more. I used to buy Dollshouse magazine every week, and there I saw many different types of dollhouses, and I started designing, drawing my own, along the lines of what I saw in the magazines. One day I asked a carpenter to make the structure of the house in wood. There was only the wooden skeleton, everything else I had to build, and gradually over the years I have decorated it down to the smallest detail. At first I told myself to try to finish it by the age of 26, then by the age of 30 … it’s almost over but not entirely. The interesting thing is that a large part of my life is inside this giant and also somewhat useless object – I don’t play with it, of course. But there are gifts from friends, from relatives, small items that I bought in different places. There are so many memories in this object. It is not yet complete, the skirting boards are missing, the terrace needs to be paved, I have to hang some pictures, and there are other small jobs to do… just like a real house. By the age of 35 I would like to finish it in the structural parts … but it will never be completely finished, it is constantly evolving.

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